This will be one of the shortest posts on the blog – we only stayed a couple of days and one of those was spent visiting Auschwitz concentration camp and that subject have been very accurately covered by both James and Chelle.
So, from Prague we headed north east to the city of Wroclaw. It was a long old drive especially as many of the roads were in pretty poor condition. However it was well worth it to meet up with Ben & Nat who were on their way to Berlin.
As we checked in there were police and crowds all about – as it turned out there was a big speedway race in the stadium right next door to our campsite. So whilst Chelle & Nat caught up over a wine or two, the kids watched a dvd that the Bailey’s had kindly donated to us (seeing as the only ones we had were in Spanish!), Ben and I went to experience the local ‘culture’ with the local skinheads.

Happily one of the stars of the local team is an Aussie – Troy Batchelor – so we took the Aussie flag and felt at home amongst our brethren… sort of! In fact, people weren’t that friendly although they were certainly passionate about the sport and we wondered what Troy felt earning a crust this way in regional Poland!

The evening was concluded with a fine meal and, as custom dictates with Ben & Nat, plenty of the local beer and a bizarre liqueur or two.
Next day was a hazy, lazy start and around 12 we said our goodbyes once more to Ben and Nat (until August in the Netherlands where we are catching up for the last time) and I hopped the tram to check out the city. After a run of cities – Munich, Regensburg, Nuremburg, Bamburg, Dresden and Prague in the last week, we were all a bit churched and ‘beautiful old square’d out so I was back in an hour or two.

We then set sail for Auschwitz and arrived just on closing time at 6pm. Fortunately we could stay in the carpark so we parked up alone as the sun went down, ready to be first in the morning before the tour buses and crowds arrived.
James’ post here –
Chelle’s here –